Come and See is a twenty-five lesson exploration of the message of the Bible. This course first examines what the Bible is, then looks at its contents to introduce the God of the Bible and share His explanation of the meaning and purpose of mankind and life. The study provides God’s commentary on the history of the world, what is happening now and what will happen in the future.
Who is it meant for?
Come and See is for those who are interested to explore what the Bible has to say about who God is—His revelation and His claims about Himself. It is for those who want to find out more about Christianity.

What’s in the course?
1. A good overview of the main message of the Bible from start to end.
Who wrote the Bible?
What does the Bible talk about?
Is the message relevant to people today?
2. An introduction to the God of the Bible.
Who is He and what is His name?
What is He like?
Does He have anything to do with mankind?
Does He relate to mankind?
3. The Bible’s perspective on mankind.
What does the Bible say about mankind?
What is the purpose of mankind?
What is the meaning of life?
Why are there problems of suffering, evil and death?
Does the Bible provide any solution to mankind’s problems?
4. An understanding of who Jesus Christ is.
Who is the Jesus of the Bible?
When did He live and what was His life like?
How did He die?
What happened after He died?
Why should His life, death and what happened after matter to mankind?
5. An explanation of what a Christian is.
What is a Christian?
How are Christians supposed to live?
Why are some Christians so different from other Christians in the way they live and behave?
6. What the Bible says is going to happen in the future.
What is the future of the world like?
What is the future of mankind?
Will the world continue on in this same current way forever?
Course Materials
To go through the course, you will need the lesson notes and a Bible.
Lesson Notes
The lesson notes present one big and continuous account of history. They are meant to be used in sequence without missing or skipping over any sessions. The content of each lesson builds upon all the previous lessons.
The notes are available as PDF documents which you can freely download.
3. Why There is Evil in the World — Part 1
4. Why There is Evil in the World — Part 2
5. God Judged the Evil World — Part 1
6. God Judged the Evil World — Part 2
7. God’s Plan to Reach the World — Part 1
8. God’s Plan to Reach the World — Part 2
9. God Revealed His Standards — Part 1
10. God Revealed His Standards — Part 2
11. God Taught About Himself — Part 1
12. God Taught About Himself — Part 2
13. How God’s People Failed — Part 1
14. How God’s People Failed — Part 2
15. God’s Rescue Plan — Part 1
16. God’s Rescue Plan — Part 2
17. The Saviour’s Work — Part 1
18. The Saviour’s Work — Part 2
21. How the World Ends — Part 1
22. How the World Ends — Part 2
23. How the World Ends — Part 3
The Holy Bible
You will need a copy of the Holy Bible. A physical copy is preferable, but you can access a free online Bible at Bible Study Tools.
There are also Bible apps that can be downloaded to a mobile device. Try the YouVersion Bible app.
Going through Come and See
There are different ways you can use the session notes.
On Your Own
You can go through the study on your own. Download and read through the session notes. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us via the contact form.
With a Friend
If a friend introduced you to Come and See, you can go though the study with your friend.
You can read the session notes and then connect with your friend to clarify or ask questions after each session, or after a certain number of sessions, or whenever necessary.
Or you go through each session together, discussing the content as you go along.
In a Class
Join a group or class where your friend or another person is leading the study.
Currently, our team also conducts both Zoom and in-person classes in English. Check the schedule and register for a class.
If a friend introduced you to Come and See, both of you are welcome to join the class together.
Comments or Questions?
If you have any questions, get in touch with us through the contact form and we will get back to you.