The Devotional Journey
Bible Reading 11

Abram and Sarai take matters into their own hands

Read Genesis 16:1–16.

In today’s reading, we see where the Arabs came from. God had told Abram that he would have a son. But after waiting 10 years, Sarai, Abram’s wife, grew impatient. Bearing children in their culture was very important as it ensured the continuity of the family. In Abram’s situation, it was even more important as having many descendants was one of Yahweh’s covenant promises to him. But he still had no children after all this time.

And so, Sarai thought of a solution. Following the acceptable, legal custom of the times (though not God’s idea at all), Sarai gave her maid, Hagar, to her husband as a wife. If Abram were able to have a child with Hagar, the child would be considered as Sarai’s because Hagar was her servant.

Once Hagar became pregnant, there was conflict between the two women. And Hagar ran away from Sarai who had become abusive towards her.

God heard and also saw Hagar in her pain and suffering, and He was incredibly gentle to her. He approached Hagar and comforted her. God told Hagar to name her child “Ishmael”, which means “God hears”. God had heard Hagar’s misery. And Hagar called God the One who sees me.

But notice God called Hagar “Sarai’s servant”. God did not recognise her as Abram’s wife even though Sarai had given Hagar to Abram. In God’s eyes, Sarai was Abram’s wife.

Actually, God also heard the cry of Abram’s and Sarai’s hearts for a child. If only they had cried out to Him instead of been impatient.

Ishmael became the ancestor of a great tribe of wild, hostile people living in the Arabian desert. And down through history, they have been hostile towards the Jews, who were also descendants of Abraham through his yet-to-be-born son, Isaac.

Abram and Sarai were impatient and took things onto their own hands. They did not trust that God would give them a child who would be their biological child. Their human attempt at getting a child led to trouble. Till today, the Jews and Arabs (Ishmael’s descendants) are hostile towards each other.

What could Abram and Sarai have done differently?

  1. They could have been patient, trusting that God was waiting for the right time to fulfil His promise.

  2. They could have cried to God, as Hagar did. God showed that He heard Hagar’s cry. He would have also heard Abram and Sarai if they had cried to Him in their sorrow while waiting for their promised child.

When God makes a promise, He will fulfil it, but at His timing. His track record as written in the Bible shows that God is not flippant or casual about His words and promises. But all His promises will be fulfilled at the proper time, that is, at God’s timing.

Often, when we try to help God out, we tend to make a mess of things. It’s hard to be patient when God’s timing doesn’t suit our liking. But we need to recognise that God is never slow or late. His timing is always perfect.

Part of the wait is the opportunity to learn patience. And we certainly need to practise patience while we wait for God to fulfil what He said He will do.

Are you going through any sorrow or challenge?

God hears and God sees you. Talk to Him about what is heavy on your heart. And wait expectantly for how He will respond.

He is a God who hears you, sees you and loves you.