Bible Readings

Reading 26: Job clings to God through his suffering

Read Job 19:1–29.

Recall how Eliphaz was suggesting, based on his own human thinking, that Job’s suffering was a result of some sin that he had committed. Then Job replied to Eliphaz. And after that, there were several more rounds of speeches as Job and the others tried to figure out the cause of Job’s suffering.

Now here in Job 19, Job bursts out at his friends’ accusations. Job uses a series of powerfully emotional word pictures to describe his intense frustration.

  1. He felt like an animal trapped (verse 6).

  2. He felt like a criminal in court (verse 7).

  3. He felt like a traveller fenced in (verse 8).

  4. He felt like a king dethroned (verse 9).

  5. He felt like a building that was being torn down (verse 10a).

  6. He felt like a tree being uprooted (verse 10b).

  7. He felt like a city under attack (verses 11–12).

He is describing himself as a man utterly rejected by God. We can feel his pain and deep emotions through these vivid descriptions.

Job’s suffering can send him to the depths of despair, but even in the midst of pain, he has flashes of hope. He says, “But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and he will stand upon the earth at last. And after my body has decayed, yet in my body I will see God! I will see him for myself. Yes, I will see him with my own eyes. I am overwhelmed at the thought!”

He remembers that all believers in God will get to see God. And he’s not talking about seeing God as a spirit but as a person with a new body. Because he said that though his current sore-ridden body will die and rot, yet in a new body he will see his God.

Job is clinging on to God’s truth. This keeps him from total despair. This helps us see that when life is going smoothly, we need to learn God’s Word well so that we have a right understanding of Him and of His truth. Then when we are suffering, the truths we have learnt can strengthen and comfort us.

As for Job’s friends, they thought they were being helpful. But their insistence of trying to figure out what was Job’s sin was not helpful at all!

Our words can either hurt others or help heal them. Job’s friends were making him feel worthless. We need to be careful that our words are not making a friend’s suffering worse! Even if people need to be corrected, we should learn to do it in a loving and gentle way.

Notice also how Job says his family, friends and even servants are avoiding him. Being isolated really added to his pain.

When someone we know is suffering and others are mocking him or her, and making accusations like “He’s getting what he deserved” or “This is the result of the way she’s been living”, can we have the heart not to shun the suffering person but extend a hand of fellowship and comfort?

Let us be the kind of people who turn to God daily by reading His word and praying. And when hard times come, let us recall His truth in Scriptures. And when we have friends who are suffering, let us pray to God for wisdom on how best we can comfort and minister to them in their time of need, so that they too, will turn to the One who can truly help: God Himself.