Bible Readings

Reading 28: God shows Job is a sincere believer

Read Job 42:1–17.

This is the last chapter of Job, where we see the conclusion of Job’s trials and what happens afterwards. It’s been many rounds of discussion. And God Himself has come to address Job. At the end of it all, Job’s understanding of God is deeper, bigger and clearer than before. Job is more humble now that he’s even more aware of just how powerful and sovereign Yahweh the Creator-God is.

Job suffered but he never sinned during his trials. Though his belief in God was firm throughout, cracks were starting to develop in his faith as he struggled to understand why God would allow all this tragedy to happen to him.

His friends didn’t help with their comments. God told Eliphaz the Temanite (the friend who spoke first) that He was angry with him, as well as Bildad and Zophar, because they said things about God that were not accurate. For example, they mistakenly insisted that Job’s suffering is because of sin. They reduced God to a simple, mechanical formula. But Yahweh and the world He created are far more complex.

But Job was commended by God though he complained about God’s supposed injustice. Why the difference? It was because God could see Job’s heart and Job was quick to admit when he spoke wrongly about God (see verse 6).

On the other hand, Job’s friends needed to be instructed by God to repent. God was angry with Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar for saying incorrect things about Him, so He ordered them to bring sacrifices. But He didn’t want to hear their prayers of repentance! Instead, He asked Job to pray for them.

When we face tremendous suffering, we can be overwhelmed not just by our pain, but by our questions. Why is this happening? How can this suffering be reversed? But quick answers, even correct answers, don’t necessarily satisfy when we are in pain. But knowing God is close, God is aware, and God is directing us through the suffering can be of greater help and comfort.

God didn’t answer Job’s questions. Instead, God gave Job a bigger understanding of Himself. He reminded Job that all of creation was under His control, even Job’s trials. He is not uncaring and He guided Job through his suffering.

God never told Job the exact reason for his suffering. He never explained how there was a challenge between Him and Satan over Job. In the same way, God doesn’t need to tell us all the behind-the-scenes reasons for the suffering in our lives. But God wants to hold our hand through the suffering and pain. Will we walk with Him through life’s trials? Will we trust Him for the outcome? Will we be as steadfast as Job was?

In the end, God proved that Job was a sincere believer. Job never wavered in his faith and in fact, his faith grew through these awful trials. And God blessed him again afterwards. In fact, God doubled his wealth. But note how God blessed Job with 10 more children rather than 20. Why? Because his first 10 children were never lost. Though their mortal lives were over, they continued to live after death. These 10 later children and the earlier 10 children make 20 in total. God indeed doubled the number of Job’s blessings in every way.