Bible Readings

Reading 32: God guides Joseph’s life in Egypt

Read Genesis 39:1–40:23.

The last time we saw Joseph, he had been sold off to Ishmaelite traders and then sold as a slave to a high-ranking Egyptian official named Potiphar, who was in charge of Pharaoh’s guards and prison that housed important prisoners.

Though Joseph had been naive, pampered and arrogant as a teen, he grew up fast as a slave. In fact, his terrible circumstances caused him to become a mature, responsible, hardworking and wise adult.

No doubt fortified by what God had shown him in his visions of people bowing down to him, Joseph decided to live righteously before Yahweh. He could have accused God of injustice. But he conducted himself well and God blessed him.

The phrase “the Lord was with Joseph” tells us Yahweh was working behind the scenes in Joseph’s life. The Egyptians worshipped as many as 2,000 idols and Pharaoh himself was considered a god. So when Joseph, who steadfastly worshipped Yahweh, was blessed by his God, Potiphar and his household took notice of Joseph and his God.

Potiphar ended up promoting Joseph to be in charge of the running of his household and business (his farm and livestock). Just like the person mentioned in Psalm 1, when Joseph decided to stay close to Yahweh, God Himself blessed the work of his hand.

But also equally true, when believers walk closely with God, evildoers tend to attack. In Joseph’s case, it was Potiphar’s wife who, through her own lust, made life difficult for Joseph. She probably regarded him as no more than an object and wanted her way with him. To his credit, Joseph honoured both God and his master by keeping away from her as best he could.

Potiphar’s wife eventually found a way to get Joseph alone and was blatant in her sexual advances. The attempt ended badly for Joseph for he was falsely accused of rape and Potiphar threw him into prison. (Yet another item of clothing gets Joseph into trouble!)

Despite being in worse circumstances, Joseph continued to trust God. And God caused the prison warden to look upon Joseph with favour as Joseph continued to behave righteously. In fact, the gave him responsibility after responsibility, till Joseph was in charge of the other prisoners. All this unjust treatment helped to build Joseph’s character and prepare him for the bigger plans God had for him. He had time to ponder on the two dreams that God had given him. He had time to become wise and mature about the ways of God. He had time to understand that God’s plans had to unfold at God’s timing.

When two important prisoners ended up in prison, Joseph was put in charge of them. He was an observant man for he noticed how upset the two men were after their dreams. While Joseph had been pondering about his own dreams for years, God now gave him insight into the cupbearer’s and chief baker’s dreams. (The cupbearer was a very important role. He was responsible for ensuring that Pharaoh’s wine and food were not poisoned. It was a position of high trust.)

As Joseph interpreted, the cupbearer was restored to his position but the chief baker was executed. Here, there is a rare faltering of Joseph’s faith in God when he made a plea to the cupbearer: “Please remember me and do me a favor when things go well for you. Mention me to Pharaoh, so he might let me out of this place.”

Though his life had thus far been very difficult, Joseph had experienced God’s hand leading him. But he tried to hurry up God’s plan by putting his trust in the cupbearer instead of waiting for God. But as soon as the cupbearer was restored to his position, he promptly forgot all about Joseph. People may fail us, but God doesn’t. God will act according to His perfect timing.

There is much we can learn about God through this 20-year period of Joseph’s life (the same years that Judah and Tamar’s account unfolded.) When God places us in difficult circumstances, we should not be too quick to ask for rescue but ask if God has something for us to learn. Perhaps He is wanting to stretch and grow us. Just as Joseph became mature and wise through adversity, God may likewise be training us by placing us into challenging circumstances.

Let’s consider our life situation. What difficulties are we are facing? Ask God to strengthen us so that we can continue to honour Him with our thoughts, words and deeds. Ask Him for strength and wisdom so that He can work through us. He has a plan and a reason for what is happening to us. May those observing us during our trials end up taking notice of the God whom we worship.