Bible Tour Overview 6

To recap where we are in the Bible tour, here is what we have seen in the Bible so far since the beginning.

We first read that Yahweh created the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, to have a personal relationship with Him. However, we saw that with the free will that God gave them, they chose to rebel against Him and instead, put their trust in the words of Satan.

From then on, while some of their descendants chose to trust in Yahweh, most rebelled made God their enemy. Their wickedness became so bad, it exceeded the limits of God’s tolerance. So God sent a global Flood judgment. Only Noah and his family survived the flood. Everyone else who did not believe God and refused to enter the ark and be saved from the Flood, died.

After the Flood, unfortunately, most of Noah’s descendants also chose to rebel against God. This would lead them to be eternally separated from God forever in the lake of fire. This was not good news for mankind.

So God started a different program. He wanted to give all mankind an opportunity to know real history and truth and put their trust in Him to send a rescuer. But since mankind as a whole had already rejected Him, He chose then to work through one man, Abraham.

Abraham trusted in Yahweh. And so God’s plan was that Abraham and his family would record His words and share it with the world. We saw how God kept Abraham’s family safe and grew them into a large nation while they were living in Egypt.

After living in Egypt for many years, the nation was enslaved by the leader of Egypt, the Pharaoh. While in great suffering, they called out to God for help. God sent Moses to lead the people out of Egypt. Through many miracles, the people saw how powerful Yahweh is.

Yahweh led them into the desert and in Mount Sinai, established the nation of Israel as His people. He gave them their law, teaching them how they were to relate to Him, as well as how they were to relate to each other. His plan was for the nation of Israel to live by His good and righteous standards and in this way, be a model to the other nations around them of how it is to have a relationship with Yahweh, the Creator-God of the universe.

Earlier on, God had made Abraham three promises. He would give Abraham land. He would give Abraham many descendants. And Abraham and his family would be a blessing to the whole world.

In the next few readings, we will see what happened next.

After God finished telling Israel all that He wanted to in the wilderness, He was going to lead them into the Promised Land, the land He gave to Abraham and his family. However, this would mean they would be going into enemy area where the people groups were unfriendly towards them.

So God gave instructions to the people on how they were to prepare to move into the land. In the Bible, this time period is known as the time of the Conquest and Settlement.