Bible Readings

Reading 67: Yahweh teaches the people how He wants them to show care

Read Leviticus 25:1–22.

Yahweh created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. He told mankind that they should reflect Him and also work six days and rest on the seventh day. The seventh day was for their rest, refreshment and restoration.

Similarly, God told the Israelites that they were to give their land rest on the seventh year. They could plant and reap for six years. But on the seventh year, they must let the land rest and rejuvenate. They were not to abuse the land by constantly working it. In addition, during that year of rest (known as the Sabbath year), whatever the land produced naturally could be eaten by anyone: the landowner, neighbour, stranger and animal.

Even though God had practical reasons for calling for rest for people, animals and land, He was also teaching a spiritual lesson. He is the One who is the real provider of all.

Sometimes, Yahweh provided for them through their work (such as during the six years of regular farming). But He is also the One who provides for them even when they rested. In fact, He is always providing for them by sending rain and sunshine for their crops.

However, God knew that some people would be worried about what they would eat during the seventh year if they did not plant and harvest. God assured them that if they trusted Him and obeyed His instructions, on the sixth year, He would give them so much harvest that their food would be enough to last three years! This means they need not fear going hungry on year seven, the year of rest!

Aside from giving intersections for this special Sabbath Year, God also told them about another special year: the Year of Jubilee.

Every 50th year, after seven sets of seven years (49 years), they were to declare the Year of Jubilee.

What was this about?

When God first distributed the Promised Land to the people of Israel, each family had a permanent inheritance of land. Their God-given land would always remain with the family so they could grow crops and animals, make money from the produce, take care of their needs and pass down the land to the next generations. Each generation would have the means to make a living.

However, for various reasons, a family might become very poor. At that point, they would have the option of renting out their land for a period of time. The one who rents it can farm on it and reap its harvests. However, God’s law is that this land can never be sold to the renter.

On the 50th year, the renter must return the land to the landowners.

In this way, God protected family inheritances for all His people.

God gave all these instructions because He wanted His people to live in such a way that they would reflect His good character. They would be concerned for and show love to His creation and to each other.

In thinking about today’s reading, here are three things we can reflect on.

1. Because Yahweh is a loving God who is deeply concerned for all His creation, the instructions He gave were for His creation to thrive. Think about how detailed and careful He is even with the land. As people made in His image, how much more concerned do we think He is of us? Do you truly understand how much He loves you?

2. God provided for the Israelites whether they were working or resting. In our lives, do we also see God as our ultimate provider? If we rest one day a week, are we afraid that He would not be able to provide for us? Who do we think is our ultimate provider? Let us pray and ask God to examine the attitude of our hearts towards Him, especially regarding resting from work.

3. God did not want the Israelites to take advantage of each other. In thinking of our own lives, what is our attitude towards others? Do we care for others? Are we careful not to take advantage of them? Pray and ask God to reveal areas in our lives or people in our lives we might need to talk to Him about.